Speaker 1 0:01
Hey friend, welcome back. Today's conversation is going to be around the not self and all the openness. And I did some shorts around this short videos, and I got a ton of feedback. And tons and tons of emails asking for, you know, so some more depth going into this. So I just want you to guys to recognize something and you've heard me say this before in other videos, space openness. The consciousness field wants to naturally naturally it wants to fill in space, it wants to put something into a space that is open. Very similar to let's just say you have a catch all drawer or junk drawer in your home. Or maybe it's your purse, maybe it's a council of your vehicle. You know, maybe it's a backpack, I don't know. Or your your kids, I see this, this is so fun. Your kids diaper bag, I see this as a catch all place to for parents, however, so know that the universe wants to put something into a space it doesn't like quote unquote, voids it wants to. It's just like, all gas like because we live in this gassy, you know, flat Earth dome that is regulated by pressure and gases. And we need a container. For a gas everything wants to balance out or create an equilibrium. So anytime there's a space, the consciousness field wants to fill that space in. So just you know, play with it, see how this works for you in your home, like clean off a shelf, and then watch how stuff wants to be put on that shelf, put a table somewhere and watch how Aubusson stuff wants to go on that table. You've heard me talk about this in previous in previous videos. Now let's look at the design. So grab your human design the definition of the human design, anything that's colored in anything that's activated. This is truly what the God the Creator, consciousness field, all source energy, whatever you want to call it, it's it's however you want to, you know, give that label. It has literally said I trust you with this formula of mechanics. Because with this formula of mechanics, you will be able to participate and fulfill your purpose. That's what the definition says, simplified. That's exactly what the definition says. You have everything in the definition to fulfill your purpose. Now let's go to the openness because that my friend is where all the juices, that's where all the juices. And the openness is the people or energy fields, they're going to come in and occupy that space in your life. So as you walk through life with your definition, and you're participating through your decision making strategy, making choices, making decisions, through your own strategy, and trusting the mechanics, all of that openness is just space for other people to come in and help you create and participate in this 3d realm that we're in. However, when we I'm consciously now I'm talking about on conscience, like deeply subconscious, sorry, subconscious, deeply subconscious patterns and narratives that are there. If that is standing in between your mechanics and the people that are participating with you. This is where our reactions start to happen. This little little it's like This veil, okay, this veil that's there that has all of these narratives around Oh, so and so filled that space before. And now I have to be fearful of narcissistic people, I have to be fearful of being having my heart broke, I have to be fearful of whatever you want to create the narrative there is the three awareness centers. All that energy in there has the dichotomy of fear and awareness. Okay. So there's so much veiling, and narrative that happens between the trust of your definition and the formula of your definition, and this custom made design, for you to feel your purpose, and all of those participants that are going to come into your life. So the openness, how I can consciously, consciously interact with the people that want to feel that energy is, of course, through strategy and authority through leaning into how you participate on this plane, so each bore of the the types of the career types or energy types, or aura types, whatever you like to call them. They each have their own strategy on how they're going to participate. And now you get to consciously instead of sub subconsciously, creating all this narrative, and, and resisting resisting this participation, what you now get to do is consciously watch how the physical body is going to navigate and participate on this claim, through correct decision making. So you get to consciously make a decision on who or what energy field you are going to participate with. So just for example, I have the let's just let's just say, the 18th Gate, because that's that's a fun one for me, the 10th gate, and an undefined slate. What is the 10th? Gate? Well, it is here to correct mother father energy, it is to help correct patterns, perfect patterns. So what energy field? Am I going to be designed to interact with? I am designed to interact with the 58. What is a 58? Well, it's all about vitality. It's all about joy. And it is this fuel for vitality. So I get to lean into the correct vitality. So that my at the gate can sift and sort through what is vital, what's actually vital in this interaction, what's actually joyful in this interaction. And then from that it can create the 18 can then create a pattern. And it can be super aware of what it can drop into the 48. So that the 48 can then create a solution. Do we know if any of these solutions are ever going to be vital? We have no idea. But the 18 is sifting and sorting what is vital in this interaction? So when I interact with people there's always this curiosity around what is vital. What pattern is happening here that we can have a conversation around what's vital, what's not vital. Okay, and because my motivation is hope, and my transference is guilt, I can you know, easily transfer into guilt, give the solution and walk away easily I can do that. However, when I sit in curiosity, and I'm really hopeful
Speaker 1 9:59
I I will poke at my clients. And so the 39 does a mind design. I'll poke at the clients and say, you know, so tell me, why am I here? Why are we having this conversation? What in this conversation Do you think we could leave out so that you can step into your future with more vitality? All of these kinds of questions make my clients go, oh, there's a pattern here. Oh, I can move forward with something that's like, instead of seriousness, I can step forward with something that is joy and vital. Now the conversation shifts. And as the client speaks, what I'm constantly provoking is I'm provoking that mechanic to come out from behind that subconscious veil and show itself and as it shows itself, now the direction can be totally wide open. When I first started to work with clients, it is to clean out that not self, or the openness, clean it out, get really clear on what's in there. So that we can then let go the veil and step forward. So I am giving you a huge piece of information here. All the openness in the chart, it is not the enemy, it is the narrative that you've stuffed into the subconscious mind that becaming in the end, you're designed to participate with all that openness, all those people are designed to come into your life, so that you can just keep using the formula of your design and representing it. But all too often, we create a narrative, we create a barrier, we start this resistance band that goes in and out and in and out this resistance that stops these participatory people coming into our lives. And now we're participating through a narrative that isn't serving anyone, no one. But once we let that narrative go, and we actually lean into the mechanics that God trusted us with. Now, all of a sudden, that defined formula can go out and fulfill the purpose, this is custom made, this formula is a custom made formula for you. And now you get to participate in all of that not self, all of that openness, all of those other people that come into your life, you get to participate different. Now you're consciously connecting with those humans, and those energies that actually help you with your potential with getting your purpose out there. So when we look at the chart, it when we first like when we're in it when we're in it, and we're in it, and we're trying to use that sub conscious narrative to figure out this design, we get lost. And we want to hold on to those narratives. And say, well, the not self is an enemy. It's bad. Oh, I can't make decisions. All stories, all stories based off of that resistance band that's in between your definition and who is designed to come in and participate through your openness. So why did I start this off talking about a junk drawer? Well, go empty out your junk drawer, throw it in a box somewhere, put it in a closet, go to your vehicle, take all that stuff out of your council, throw it in a box, put it in the backseat or in the trunk or whatever. And then consciously participate with what you're going to put in there. What are you going to put in that drawer? What are you going to interact with in your energy fields? This is how we consciously participate through our own awareness. It's an awareness thing. Ah, my decision making said no to that invitation by decision making said no to that request for my energy, my decision making said no to the initiation through the Transiting field under that, trust it or Ah, my formula, my definition, wants to participate and said yes. said yes, and the decision is a yes. And you move forward into the decision. And you participate. Now, here's the caveat, is all participation, going to be rainbows, unicorn farts, sunshine, no, start. Because growth happens in this intense moment of contraction, we look at a seed, it's all compacted into a seed. before it turns into this, you know, I don't know, however tall that is tree out, there may be 35 feet of
Unknown Speaker 16:14
a, of a spruce tree that's out there. But that was all compacted into one tiny little seed.
Speaker 1 16:24
And that contraction, and that compaction, and that challenge was how that, that that tree, how it had to participate in the very beginning. So it's okay to feel like you made a decision, the interaction was really challenging. Now it's for you, instead of creating a narrative and a resistance that now you get to lean into the wisdom, hmm, what was the growth that I received for my potential, because I interacted with that energy. So go to all of the openness in your church. And know that that is your school. All of that is a curriculum that you get to explore and play and interact with as you lean into your custom made mechanic. It's a custom made mechanic. This custom made mechanic is a formula for you to fulfill your purpose. And the only way to fulfill your purpose is to interact with all of those people and energy needs that are designed to come in and out of the openness. So I'm going to take this one step further. I hope you're still here, maybe you've already left, the cycles and the Transiting fields you do not quote unquote, become that energy. It comes into the design and you now get to participate with it. It just says I'm here. I'm available for you to participate. I am available for you to participate with me or not. That's what the transit and the cycle sets they're here to support share and empower you they are not here to take over your life and hijacked. And most people who interact with the transits are looking at it like that, oh, this is activated this I'm now this No, you are not that you are your natal chart. You are entrusted with representing your natal chart, that's what you've been entrusted with. Now you get to participate with the Transiting field and other human beings through your decision making. Take advantage of it or not totally up to you, but it doesn't still in your chart. Okay, it doesn't fill it in it doesn't it doesn't become you. You participate with it. And you now get to participate consciously. Ah. So, what is activated right at this moment, I think I want to say at this moment, I think that oh, where is that? Mardi Gras Okay, so three the The 63, which is all about innovation, the 3955, which is all about emoting. Let's activate it at this moment. I'm doing this on the 19th. The 2750s, activated preservation. So you get to participate with preservation, innovation, and emoting. How do you want to participate with it? That's it. That's all you have to ask yourself. So if an innovation bumps into you, you now get to go, oh, I have the opportunity to decide if I want to interact with this new teach HIV innovation. Easy, don't overcomplicate it, hmm. and emotion bumps into you. Hmm, I get to decide, is this emotion correct for me to, to participate with or not. So for example, Saturn, the 55 is in Saturn right now goes from March 8 Until May 5. This is a perfect time, this is a perfect time to be supported, and become disciplined because that's what Saturn really dance around. Any kind of eating dis order. Shopping disorder, sexual disorder that you possibly might have to Saturn is here are saying, I will empower you, at the moment from March 8 Until May 5, to get really clear about eating disorders. So maybe right now is a perfect time. Again, I'm not a doctor, consult your physician, maybe you want to do a cleanse. Maybe now is the time to reach out to shopping. shopaholics anonymous. Maybe right now is a great time to lean into any kind of alcohol disorder that's happened. Any of that, because that fifth gate is constantly trying to look for its own spirit and mostly, mostly the 55th gate looks for it in the conditioned 3d world, instead of going to the higher octave of the fifth dimensional spirit abundance. Okay. And then the 37 then takes over in Saturn on May 5. So that is the stomach. So again, another opportunity for you to heal and repair and be disciplined about the health and wellness of your stomach. You get to participate with this or not. And the 37 It's tribal, gay. So what does it say? I'm here to support I will support your disciplinary action around, you know, getting the gut well, that I shouldn't say gut because I think they got also includes the intestines, which I guess we could add into this. So there's a support mechanism there. And you get to decide whether or not you're going to interact with it. And that goes for all the transits. So you don't become it, you get to decide. Okay, I hope that this information has allowed you to see past the amplification process that most people come into design. And they're immediately trained, so was I to look at the knob itself and go oh, this is all the stuff that you amplify blah, blah, blah, and get caught up in that. I was there. Probably some of my past videos I talked about that. I now see the openness, completely different. And I want to help you and teach you to also see your openness different. It is a space where other people are designed to interact with you. energies of the transits of long lasting cycles. It is there to interact with you. And then your design gets to choose whether or not it participates. Where the amplification process happens. Again, it is in that deep, subconscious resistance, that resistance veil that sits there in between your design, and all of that openness. And it amplifies because it has this narrative, and it wants everybody to jump on that narrative. It wants to divide and conquer wants to do all of that. And let me tell you, I also know that this was a part of my process, I had to be able to see this in order to now come here, and really give you guys a solid foundation in this. So leave your comments, you might need to listen to this video a few times,
Speaker 1 25:58
take out your design, and recognize the definition is what you have been entrusted. It is a custom custom framework, a custom formula that is there that you've been entrusted with, so that your purpose to go out into the world can take place. So your role and your purpose can shine, all the openness, that those are spaces where people need to come in and participate with you. And all you get to do or you get to do is decide that's a correct participant or not, is is a participatory reality that we're in. Okay, so leave your comments. Again, I'm going to do my crazy sales pitch and say, the mentorship is open. The self study course is I keep adding to it. So it's like I'm at 190 plus videos in there, I have a whole new business aspect that I'm going to put in there for you. So it is available the self study at a wicked wicked brace, you're not going to find this on the market anywhere. And then the mentorship is open. So you want to come in and you really want to, you know, take human design, and learn it and chew on it and have other people that are in the group, you know, helping you and you're helping them really lean into their design, that it's a great space. Lots of very, very wise people in there. So if that's of interest, both of those opportunities are below. Yeah, and if you want to work with me one on one, you can also do that. Everything's available at power of self.ca as I'm Canadian, so yeah, lean in. And I really really hope that this video has helped you because it's it's so clear to me, what's going on in the world. It's so clear to me. And yeah, I love it and I get to learn every day. So it's clear today and tomorrow I might learn something else that brings a deeper clarity. So Alright, have a great day guys. Talk to you later.
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