Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hey friends, nice to have my face back on here for a video. So today the conversation is around brand. And I'm going to teach you the three components necessary for your brand. And
Unknown Speaker 0:15
where you can find those in your human design. So stick with me, and let's play this little game. So we are all here to serve, we're all here to you know, I don't know, if I really love the word serve, I don't know, I think we're here to honor ourselves. And in honoring ourselves, we just naturally assist and help others to better their lives. Okay. So
Unknown Speaker 0:40
I noticed that with human design getting trendy or trendy and trendy, or there's a whole bunch of made up stuff that happens. And through that made up stuff, what we're doing is we're actually losing the transmission that raw created for us and that transmission, what is so important is this is words hold frequency. And because words hold frequency,
Unknown Speaker 1:08
when we change the words, or we change the arrangements of the words, all of a sudden, there is this different thing that's taking place, and it's actually not the purity of the system. So be very cautious when you are getting your information about human design, where did they get the information from, and I'm going to be honest with you, I stick 100% to raw material.
Unknown Speaker 1:36
The other material out there that's out there through other teachers.
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It's not for me, it doesn't resonate with me, very similar to the Bible. And you know, really leaning into the words that are reading written down in that scripture
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are so important. And the more we can go back to the original text, versus all the translations of it, that's where we get the purity of the word. So that's why I stay with Ross. Transmission, I stay with his vocabulary, and I stick to it, are there times where it will simplify it just so that you can grasp it? Yes. But the word is so important. So stay true to Ross material if you want this transmission to work happily and gracefully through you. So what is brand? And why do you need one? Well, first, a brand is not your logo, okay? It's actually you and the representation of your of your brand. So if we were to compile your brand, here are the three components that are so important. Number one, okay.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
You're Who Who do you serve? So I did a video, I think it's called marketing to your fractal or selling to your fractal. I can't remember what I called it. And in there, that's who you serve. Okay, those are the people that are along your fractal line. And they definitely need you.
Unknown Speaker 3:08
And then the whole series about what you sell.
Unknown Speaker 3:11
Those are all the solutions that you have, to the problems that your fractal line has. So that's who you serve, your fractal line of people are who you serve, and you find those people along your nodal trajectory. Number two, this is your why why do you serve them? Well, there's two places in human design to find that. And when we combine the two of them, all of a sudden, there is this beautiful synchronicity that works with your people. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 3:46
First, it's the life work, your life work theme, or your incarnation cross. So where do you find that, of course, it's the Sun and Earth, Sun and Earth personality and design.
Unknown Speaker 3:58
So that incarnation cross and I did an entire series about that I did all of the Incarnation crosses, using raw material and his word to share that word with you.
Unknown Speaker 4:10
Number two, it's your profile. Okay. So your Y is created through your purpose of your life work theme, your incarnation cross and your profile. Your profile is kind of like the how do you get it out there type thing? How do you get your purpose out there? I'm a one three, my purpose is contagion.
Unknown Speaker 4:33
So I have to research everything. And then I bring it to you, my tribe, and will one three.
Unknown Speaker 4:40
As I build my business, there's trial and error, I fail, I succeed, I fail to succeed. I bring you that information.
Unknown Speaker 4:49
So that's why I do it. I have no other choice. I am completely choiceless in that.
Unknown Speaker 4:57
And then your story
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How the who and the why merge to become what you do.
Unknown Speaker 5:06
Who I serve are also other one threes.
Unknown Speaker 5:11
They have all of these certifications, because that's what I've done. All of these certifications, they have all this solid foundation, right? And yet, they feel very unstable, because all of the certifications created golden handcuffs. Now what do I do, Lian? Now what do I do, because I'm supposed to follow this certification, I'm supposed to follow this certification. I'm not supposed to cross the line here across the line there. I'm not I'm not, quote unquote allowed to blend? Well, I'm going to be the first to tell you, all of those certifications are just human constructs to keep you confined. You are designed to take all of that material and create a solid foundation for yourself and your business, and then go out there and try and fail and succeed and try and fail and succeed. That's it. That's how you gain confidence. And that's my story. That's how I help people move into what it is that they are absolutely designed to then go out into the world and help their fractal line with.
Unknown Speaker 6:23
Now, one of the things that you also want to look at is your
Unknown Speaker 6:28
quarter, what quarter is your incarnation cross? Where does it reside? So I also have a video on here somewhere about quarters. So you want to go into there, I went into an introduction, because you want to know,
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where does your incarnation incarnation cross sit mindsets, and bonding and duality. So when I create bonds with people, that's why I really do this human design, you know, this, this whole channel, this YouTube channel,
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is this is when I connect with someone, they, they book a call with me, they book a coaching program with me, they jump into
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a session or reading with me,
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they feel like there's all ready a bond. And I also feel that because there's no resistance,
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they already feel like they're my friend, because they start every video off, Hey, friend, because you are a friend, if you're here you are in my ecosystem.
Unknown Speaker 7:33
And when you and I get to connect, whether that be across the screen, or in a workshop,
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or whatever it is on the street, all of a sudden, there's this connection, immediately that happens.
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And that's why I show up.
Unknown Speaker 7:52
So that connection can be there. So when people sit on the other side of my screen, they're already my friend. So I can jump in and start serving them bang so quickly, because they're in my ecosystem.
Unknown Speaker 8:10
So go into the quarter, where your incarnation crosses again, there's a video here somewhere
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in my channel, talking about the introduction to
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two quarters. So let's just recap. What
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are these three things that are your brand? Okay, your brand. Number one? Your who? Who do you serve? There along your fractal line?
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To your why? Well, that's your incarnation cross and your profile.
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Three, your story.
Unknown Speaker 8:48
Why do you show up and serve these people? What is going on?
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Are you here to bond with them like I am? You're here to transform though.
Unknown Speaker 8:58
Are you here to create
Unknown Speaker 9:01
forms and systems for them?
Unknown Speaker 9:07
Are you here to initiate them into something brand new.
Unknown Speaker 9:13
So you want to lean into all of this again? Trendy Human Design. Oh man, there is some crazy as shit happening online, about about branding, personal branding, and it has people so damn confused because it's not even anywhere close. It's not even anywhere close. Okay?
Unknown Speaker 9:36
So lean into those three aspects of your design, take all of the keynotes, right, grab all of that information. Sit with it. That's what this is all about. This is a contemplative process and an experiment.
Unknown Speaker 9:52
Now you take all that information
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and now all of a sudden, it starts to work on you and turn on you in your life.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
Did Oh, that is my purpose. That is actually what I'm actually doing.
Unknown Speaker 10:06
And you see it through new light, because design is working through you. It's the resistance of the conditioned mind that tells you go do it like her go do it like her go do it like her. I am watching in so many Facebook groups, and there is massive amounts of confusion.
Unknown Speaker 10:25
Because there's no solid foundation. It's a whole bunch of made up words.
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Incorrect languaging.
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That shifted the frequency,
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which creates more confusion, which creates a whole range of people, you know, going, Oh, design totally sucks, or it feels like a cult. No, when you lean into it, and you lean into the correctness of it, and you lean into the generosity of it
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changes the way you see the world.
Unknown Speaker 11:00
So you are your brand, especially if you are a coach, a consultant and author, the speaker, massage therapist, therapist, psychology, psychologist, maybe you're a dog walker, maybe you're a cat sitter, maybe you're a home sitter, whatever it is, you show up to serve your fractal line.
Unknown Speaker 11:23
It's your brand.
Unknown Speaker 11:25
And it's all built right into the design. So take all of that languaging. Okay, take all those words.
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And lean deeper into your own brand.
Unknown Speaker 11:38
Okay, so friends, I also want to introduce a couple things too.
Unknown Speaker 11:43
I've had so many people reach out and ask me, where is the primary health system videos that I did, there was over 5000 views on those five videos. So I was really excited and happy to get that material out. And then guess what?
Unknown Speaker 12:00
I got a copyright strike. So I'm going to do a video about that. So that you know that I didn't take them down just because I didn't take them down at all. It wasn't me. And the other thing that I wanted to bring to you is that I am releasing a brand new product here shortly. I'm going to release it to my
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to my list first. And then I'm going to bring it to you guys. So if you want to get on my list, definitely grab a chart from me, whether that be an advanced chart or a business chart, get on my list, so that you can get on that newsletter. And
Unknown Speaker 12:37
2023 is going to be big for manifestation for everybody, for everybody. Okay, so you want to lean in, play with your brand. That's why I was here teaching you about that. Okay, Go into all the videos that I just uploaded, and there's a few more so coming
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that can really help you lean into the mastery and the knowing of who you are. So that no matter what happens in the world, you have more confidence, you get paid more, because you absolutely step into the career that's yours. You earn more in your business because you're stepping in and being you you are absolutely showing up for your family. Because you're no longer caught up in all of the confusion. You are stepping in and being you okay? If you want to connect with me personally, go to my website and work with Lian. You can do that. We can have consultations, sessions, readings, analysis, coaching, whatever it is, if you want to connect with me, I highly encourage that you get support and the support that actually honors raw material. Okay? I'm not kidding. You want to honor bronze material? Again, it's just like the Bible and Scripture if you change the words,
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it all changes. Okay. And when we manipulate words, we manipulate the experience of it. Okay. Thanks, friend. I love it. I really appreciate being here with you guys.
Unknown Speaker 14:20
This upcoming year is going to be like pure magic and I cannot wait. Alright, talk to you later.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai