Unconscious Patterns

95% of our behaviour is happening without us knowing it! These unconscious patterns are the ‘software’ downloads we receive from others. This is otherwise known as conditioning. How will you know you are still operating from this conditioning self? You have goals but are not hitting them even though you are working your a$$ off. You arrive at your goal but are unfulfilled. You have unrealistic expectations of others, yourself and your goals. You notice you can’t get past a certain set point when it comes to money, weight or relationships. We can usually know something is unconscious when: The pressure that is driving us shows us that we are attached to an agenda. This is where your well-being is attached to ‘having’ the outside thing. Ex. If I have a spouse, I can be loved; If I earn 100K this year I will be free to travel; If I lose weight, I can get the dream job. From this space of lack, which feels like bitterness, frustration, anger and disappointment, your decision making causes even more resistance in your life. This reactionary behaviour has you engaging with life as a marionette vs. an empowered, unique individual with autonomous decision making skills. It is time to upgrade the software programming in your adult life! The #humandesign system is excellent for providing a simple mechanical look ‘how’ you are designed to interact so you are empowered, supported and comfortable sharing. Add onto this, the benefit of coaching so you can actually move the unconscious patterns out of the subconscious mind and upgrade your software to it higher version. Stop chasing life…Stop running from the past fears…. Embody the magic that is you…. Leann