Unknown Speaker 0:02
Hey, friend, it's been a few videos since I put my face on the screen. So I hope you're enjoying the Incarnation cross series that is I'm uploading on to YouTube. It goes until August 24. So I really appreciate the comments and the shares that you guys have been putting on there. And I am going to ask you for a favor, can you please like, share and subscribe to the channel, about 60% of the Watchers on my channel, actually don't even subscribe. And I would love for that subscription button to be punched and share this, share this in Facebook group, share this with your, with your coaching group, share whatever you need to that's why I'm doing this content so that you can help your fractal of people through connecting with me. And I can help the 8 billion people on the planet. So I need you to share like and subscribe. Alright, so today's conversation is going to be around Neville Goddard and his teachings. You guys have heard me talk about Neville Goddard, if you've been here for a while. And I think that human design and Neville gutters teaching are so beautifully paired together for a couple reasons. So Rob really talks about the mechanical structure, right. And really, it's a frequency, the mechanical structure is the frequency. And one of those things was always we do not need to heal the mind. Totally agree with that. However, we definitely need to get the conditioned mind out of the way. So that we can actually represent the mechanical structure in a whole new way, through clarity through presence, through empowerment, through sharing through support, however, you want to look at this. And when I quit my corporate job 10 plus years ago, what I saw was my capacity to have a peaceful life, to have a life where I owned my own schedule, to have a life where I connected with those people that I wanted to connect to. And over the last 10 years that has really like at this very moment, I have such a peaceful life. I absolutely love it. I say no to the clients that are not on my fractal, I say yes to the clients that are on my fractal, because what happens is the beauty and then magic that takes place is unbelievable. So I want you to really hear a few things that we're going to talk about today. And through Neville Goddard's teachings, what he does is he actually places everything is a state of mind, he actually goes through the Bible, and he looks at everything as a state of mind, which I find very fascinating, because how I see it is Creator, the larger creator had a dream. And the dream was to place us the essence of us into meat suits. And, you know, be entertained. Watch us grow. Whatever it is, I don't know what it all is. However, the three things that I'm going to go over today are our Neville Goddard's key foundational teachings. One of the things raw, all we said was, we don't need to heal the mind. We just need to observe the mind. And you have heard me also and I've done quite a few videos, I think around the 4130 3635 because that's the human exponential way. And the 4130 begins with imagination. The 36 to the 35 leads us from this darkening of the light up to progress. It is our capacity to to move through the human experience and grow from it and discover ourselves and create our own stories. So it can be a confusing process. And I see that in a lot of the comments. There's a lot of confusion. I'm in lots of Facebook groups too. I share what I can in there when I respond, and there's so much confusion, you know, what if,
Unknown Speaker 5:02
you know, Pluto's in the fifth house and, and my dog barks, and then the leaf falls off the tree? What does that mean? Well, if we are allowing for the mind to measure and create a story around that, then the mechanics can't actually show up. So the mind wants to measure, the mind wants to create a judgement, the mind wants to say, you know, oh, you're unworthy, or you're worthy, oh, you're good, or you're bad. It wants to create that. But what if it's both? And what if your experience is designed to be both challenging and elation instead of this or that. So some of the key teachings of Neville Goddard is first, it is so important for us to hold the frequency of who we truly are. Meaning if you want to be a business owner, okay? If you want to be a business owner, because that's truly what I specialize it, I'm on one 3/3 line, third lines all about the material plane, my whole fractal line, third line. So that's what I teach. And I teach it in a way that and I coach, and I mentioned my clients to do it in their way. Right, create your own strategy for your business. And now, who do you want to be in that business?
Unknown Speaker 6:39
Who are you in that business? Are you scared? Are you fearful? Are you in a lack mentality? Or? Or are you aspiring to to live that sensation of abundance? Now, I think Neville Goddard's information bumped into me. One reason is this. And I'm not saying that it's just because of this.
Unknown Speaker 7:12
With my totally open identity center, what I get to earn money through is gate one, gate 10, gate to gate 46. What does that mean? Well, I get to help people create their vision. If there's no vision, if there's nothing for the consciousness field to present to you, then it's going to be on default. And most of us, I'm going to say 99.9% of the world. Their default is frustration, bitterness, anger, and disappointment. So life will continue to show you that. Because if you are not being who you are, and representing the frequency, that is your signature through your human design, then life is constantly going to provide you with the bumping up of the challenges, we get to have both. I'm not saying that I am totally in satisfaction every day. That is not the truth. There's lots of time and frustration. But I know that it is a mental construct that puts me there. It's this narrative that runs in my mind puts me in a state of frustration that I have a challenge and I'm like, oh my goodness, okay, let's shift this. So after 10 years, I'm I'm not like only living in satisfaction. That's not what we're designed to do. So my totally open identity Center helps a vision. But it also helps with behavior. So who are you being in the in your business? Are you operating as your strengths in your design for the gates if you are in the trades, if you're you're just a reflector, and you're you're shifting your shape shifting throughout the month, that that shape shift becomes a pattern. So don't aspire to be something, be it now hold the frequency. change the behavior right at this moment. Use your own personal power your own contemplation to lean deeper into what is my behavior? are you operating your business? Like a six and seven figure operator? Now some of you might go but Leanne I'm just I all I want is peace. Great So when you're living in peace, then the funds and the income flow in a different way, you might not require seven figures, you might not require six figures, you might be really, really impressed. And all you need is, say 18 bucks a month. Excellent. Because that brings you peace, that's all you want to do is be in this state, be in the state that brings you the funds, but you actually have to operate from that. So for me, if I look at my design, I have management, I have charisma, and I have cycles. So when I just watch the cyclical nature of my life, when I show up to to teach him to provide and to mentor, and to coach, when I allow for my charisma to just move me to click Record, all of a sudden, the funds in the income flow so easily, so easily. So who are you been? Okay, you want to operate from that ideal state? And like I say, the imagination? How do you imagine your business? How do you imagine your being in the business? Because the less that you do, because that's where we're moving? We're moving to the quad, right? And the quad right is all about being versus doing the left is all about doing it's action oriented.
Unknown Speaker 11:49
The left is the left is action oriented, the right is being oriented. Now you might have a mixture of variables. Great, excellent. We still live in a world that we are a mixture, that there is a mixture in the consciousness field. So it's not like you just have to be in your business and just sit and meditate all day if you're required right? There still strategic business things that needs to be done. But what do you imagine that to be? You know, often often your soul the dream of Lamborghinis, private jets, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, and I'm going to tell you that, that I work with people, that it's so interesting that they had that in their vision, but what they actually got is what they needed. Okay. So who are you being to encompass your business? Okay. Second, what is the focus? How do you where do you have your mind because the mind wants to measure, okay, we don't want it to run the show. We don't want it to be our decision maker. However, it has a role. And that role truly is, it is a seeking missile, the mind wants to seek the mind wants to organize the mind wants to have breakthroughs. The mind wants formulas. Without formulas, it feels very futile. We have all this shit happening. And it feels very futile. The mind wants to be able to realize and how breakthroughs and insights and like seek out the unknown. Like go to any of the the keynotes. And that's what the mind wants to do. So if you're living on default, and not providing the mind with a job, it is going to interfere with your life. Period. It's going to tell you you're not good enough. Oh, you're stupid. It's going to tell you all of these things. Oh, you need you. Don't let go of that. You might need that. It'll get you totally caught in the emotionality of reality instead of living from a space of an emotional intelligence, it'll get you to do more than you need to do. Okay, so what are you keeping your mind occupied with? Is it the negative garbage? Or is it a heat seeking missile for the reality that you already know to be true? Step number one, who are you being you already know that to be true in your internal cellular structure. Now you put the mind as a heat seeking missile to then begin to find that out in the consciousness field for you Okay. And third, you need to have faith. Why that's the 30 F gauge. I know this very well, it's a part of my incarnation cross, it's the part of my incarnation cross right angle cross of contagion. Without the faith, without having the faith, that even through the darkening of the light, there will be progress on the other side. So again, I'm gonna say this, often, we have these grandiose things, right? We watch all these billionaires and millionaires when they were like, I want to be on a yacht. How come? I'm not on the how come? I'm not doing this? How come I don't own land? How come? I don't have a six figure business? How can this How come that we get caught up in those conversations? Why don't I have the family that I want? Why is my husband such a dick? Why is my wife such a deck? Whatever it is. But it's Who are you being internally? Where are you state putting your mental capacity to be that heat seeking missile to create and align with who you are? This is the whole alignment piece? And then do you have the faith? Can you hold that even in the challenges even in the darkening of the light? So it's the only way we grow? And the abstract circuitry tells us this? Okay, so lean into this one, who are you being? Who are you being? You know, if you're making comments, in Facebook groups, and on YouTube channels, and you're making rude as comments, and you are. You're not looking towards growth, if you're constantly pushing against, if you're angry, if there's frustration there know that that is not who is going to get
Unknown Speaker 17:12
the satisfaction. You have to live the satisfaction and the peace and feel it in your cellular structure. The other success in your cellular structure to where are you putting your focus. And again, some of you are like but Leann, I'm right variable. I'm not supposed to focus. There's still this receptivity, there's still this peripheral that's happening in the right. So what do you have in there? What do you have in there? Are you receptive? Are you totally closed off? Are you seeing what's happening out here in the periphery? And then really building from there? And then three, do you actually have the faith? Do you believe?
Unknown Speaker 18:01
Because that's what the abstract circuitry is asking us to? Like? Can you believe that?
Unknown Speaker 18:10
Can you believe that you can be exactly what's internally, you can be the energetics of your your design, you can be in the life that is going through your imagination. Because it's your imagination. Like when I close my eyes, and I visualize and I imagine, like, I will guarantee you that it doesn't look anything like yours. So you got that imagination. Through the consciousness field, the creator, whatever you want to call it, it's yours. Do you want to live that? Or do you want to be stuck in the space? Where the conditioning field has you so upset? about reality? It's your choice. It's your decision. Okay. So like, subscribe, share in the comments. Who are you being? What are you focusing on? What's your goals? Do you actually believe it? Do you have the faith? Share in the comments. You know, if you're a coach, get your people to lean into this. If they are not moving towards a new behavior. They if they're not moving towards a vision, if they cannot love their meat suit in a way and implement the strategies that are correct for them, not this blanket strategy that you that happens. It's a strategy that works for you. If your people don't have this as suspect if they don't understand this, they will never ever hit the target. All right, I love Neville Goddard. I appreciate raw and his capacity to hold this information. So again, please subscribe, like, I'm here. If you want to connect with me, I do coaching calls, I do mentorship. I help you build your business, so that you can do it without the frustration. I have gone through the trial and error process and I'm still going through the trial and error process, which is excellent. But I can help you, you know, I paid the price. It cost me time, money, resources, right. So I'm here to help you streamline that process for you. All right. I hope you have a great day and you are enjoying the content.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai