Unknown Speaker 0:02
Welcome back friends, today we're having a conversation around structures and frameworks so that you can build your business on purpose, create the wealth that you would like to create in your life. And you do it through frameworks and structures. And just a caveat, even if you have right variables in your human design body graph, this is going to serve you. So stick with me as we have this conversation. Okay, if you're listening on the podcast, I do have some visuals that I'm going to be sharing today. So if you have time to pop over to the YouTube channel, and check out this video, if you are a visual learner that might be really good for you. Today's conversation is around structures and frameworks and the importance of this. So humans are in this human meatsuit. It's a structure, we're here to have an experience. But we're here to be inside a structure, the universe. Nature, everything is built on structures and frameworks, there's geometry, and there is the this the Fibonacci sequence. It's a formula, your human design body graph is a formula. And being inside that structure, you can transcend the structure. Okay, and have an experience. However, it's the structure and the framework that allows the mechanical aspect of who you are and what you're designed to experience to be attracted into. Even if you're a manifester, or what we would call an innovator in the BG five terminology, you're still, you know, your your system itself is closed and repelling, but there's still this magnetism that happens with your closed and repelling energy. Okay, so even if your right variable, you will, you will have the opportunity to build structures and frameworks inside your business, because structures and frameworks allow your people to move through a step by step process. Now, for the Express builders manifesting generators, you're like, Ooh, I don't really like step by step, I totally get that we are designed to skip ahead. However, there's more often than not, we have to come back and actually complete the steps. And it's okay, you know, you creating a narrative around that and being very forceful of that narrative is going to create suffering. So relax into the fact that we all need structure, no matter if we're right variable, we're left variable, we need the structure to move forward. So I'm going to share some visuals here and provide you with this this movement forward. Okay, so this is what I get to do in the purpose driven wealth formula, that's why I created that whole formula because it is it's your formula. So I'm going to I'm going to share my screen. Okay, so when we're looking at structures, what we want to do is we get we're going to get lost in a sea of human design readers or human design analysts, or tarot card readers, or therapists or, or natural paths, or fitness and nutrition, we're going to get lost in that see, if we don't have our own unique methodology, our own unique framework, and our own unique result from someone entering in to our ecosystem. So your unique methodology is going to set you apart from the masses. Okay. So we're going to walk through this unique methodology so that you can lean into creating your own and again, if you want help with this, if you want to be able to take your human design body graph, and infuse it into this process, that is what I get to do. That's the magic that I have in store for you inside the purpose driven wealth
Unknown Speaker 4:25
formula. Alright, so I just need to now find my other There we go. Okay, so the first thing that we want to do is go into the what insights is the what, right, this is the information that you're going to provide to your client. So information is educational, however, it's also education. isn't what we think it is education is actually helping people have a perception shift. So you want to look at, like they have a problem, and they want to move to a result. So what is the information that you can bring in your unique methodology to help your clients move from point A, which is the problem to the end result? So this is the what what is your education? What are you bringing your client? Step number two, it's the process is the transformation. This is the how, how are you going to provide the transformation has to be measurable, directional and cyclical. Okay, so for me in the purpose driven wealth formula, the process that we go through the transformation is number one, it's awareness. Number two is the internal shift. And number three, it is the aligned action. And then what happens is, when you have a transformational process, inside your unique methodology, what takes place is now it's templatized. That's really what your human design body graph is, it's your template. So now having this process that is measurable, directional, and cyclical. Now you can take that, and you can create 10s of 1000s of different businesses based off of this template. But the transformation from point A to point B allows for clients to go, oh, there's my pain point. And this is where I'm heading to, it has to be a direction. So why why do they want to join your process? Why do they need your process. And again, it's usually around the four currencies, okay? And the four currencies are, you're going to save them time, you're going to save them Tommy money, you're going to help them build relationships, and it's going to be on purpose. So if you can solve their pain point, with information transformation, and then show them exactly how they can, you know, save time, money, create relationships, and have purpose. This, my friends, this first three processes, three, first three steps, that's massive for your people. Okay? So always providing the visual, this is really important, this is the value visual. So clients are at this at a pain point. You know, most of what happens with my clients is this, they are actually a commodity before they start working with me. And what I mean by that is, they're dabbling. So they're not putting in much time or much effort, it's actually costing them money, it's actually costing them to be a dabbler. Then we have people you know, they're working, they're putting in a little bit of effort, or sorry, the workers that are putting in lots of effort, sorry, this is actually costing them a lot of time, money and effort as well, because they're working inside their business. And what I mean by commodity here is you're signing up for all the free webinars, you're signing up for the free PDFs, you are spending copious amounts of time learning and working and doing all the stuff inside your business. And you're actually it's actually costing you time, it's costing you relationships, it's costing you money, and it is costing you your purpose, because your purpose is actually to be, you know, a step ahead of all of that stuff. Okay? Where we begin to earn money, and take our experience to the next level. This is where we want to be this is where all my clients want to be. They want to be premiums, they want to be considered experts where they're very focused. This is where you start to now multiply your money to the positive, okay, this is where you're mastering. This is where you're learning, trying and testing.
Unknown Speaker 9:35
Influencers, this is where you're leveraged, okay? So you're going to leverage people. So you're going to connect with people on different social media and leverage their audiences. Now all of a sudden, you've six times your income. Not only are you an expert, but now you're leveraging you're creating that influence. Now you have six times your income, and then the movement This is really an effort, time and effort is actually suspended because you have so many people working for you. And your income is 10x, I will be honest with you, I'm definitely not here in the movement process yet. But I am a dabbling in I shouldn't say gambling, I am in the three and six times X my income. Because I've mastered a system, I've mastered a process, I have created my own unique methodology. And I have created relationships with people online, to to go and blend in my audience with their audience, their audience with my audience, okay. So these are things that you want to show your people as you're moving through your unique methodology. Soon, now your proprietary process. So if they work your process, they will get the results. This is your uniqueness. This is where your unique process, this is where your unique human design shows up. This is where your unique skills show up, this tool will connect the psychology and connects to the emotions and at the same time lets the client stay in decision. Okay, this is the proprietary process, they get to decide step by step by step in your process. Yes, this is for me, no, this isn't for me. So when we're working through the purpose driven wealth formula, there are things that that my clients have to decide, you know, are, how are they going to, you know, present themselves out into the world, they get to choose platforms that they want to be on, maybe they don't want to be on any platforms, they get to choose their creative process, I give frameworks and structures. Now they get to decide how they do this. So the proprietary process is this, I'm going to provide the tools in the progression, the decision is always in the clients hands. And what I mean by that is this, they can either choose to, to implement a process in their life or not. And they get to choose what the result is that they want. That's the big thing here. So if you are building out a process know that your client always has to be at choice. Okay. And then again, the result is this story style delivery, you should be able to talk about your unique methodology, no matter what is happening, if you are on stage, if you are an author, in your social media posts when you're talking with your friends. So this is the impact and the message you're providing to your clients. And again, it doesn't matter if you're a coach, consultant, author, speaker, you can share your methodology to anyone at any time, because your process creates demand. So where you are now to where you want to be. So when I am doing my, my process in my business, I talk about that I talk about my clients being overwhelmed when they come to me, they're overwhelmed. They don't know how to start things. They don't know what they should actually be doing. They feel like they have been, you know, chasing this hamster wheel for so long, that they're scared to actually go forward. So what you get to do in your storytelling in your style, and in your delivery, you're influencing the seven human desires, okay? In your marketing, you're always wanting to keep people at decision. So these desires include a desire for change, right? Do you want to stay at the same income for the rest of your life?
Unknown Speaker 14:07
Do you want to contribute? Do you want to have congruence in your life where you get to work, the hours that you choose in your business because you are in alignment with your design. So here's what I'm gonna say, I am a manifesting generator. I have three motors attached directly and indirectly to my throat. Guess what I am in movement and action and manifestation a lot. And it's congruent with my design and I love it. creating connections. I'm a one three. So I create connections. I break that bond and create connections I broke that pond. How are you designed to connect? Control control over the schedule control over who you actually accept in as a client competence. This is where mastery is so important. There are so, so many myths, indicating that you know, that we shouldn't master things, especially as manifesting generators that we should be multi passionate, and multi multitask multitasking, and that actually takes away from our competence. Okay, so competence comes from mastery, there will be a theme throughout your life, lean into it, lean into it, and then the creative self expression, everybody wants to be able to express their uniqueness. So, this particular video was here. So that you can play around with what is the unique methodology that you want to bring to your clients. My purpose driven wealth formula, this is a process that I have been developing and tweaking and, and maturing through and with over the last few years, I see the power inside of it. The deeper you lean into the awareness of who you are, the awareness of who you're not, you make those internal shifts, and then only take aligned action. Those three pillars allow for your human design formula to show up in the world, so that you can earn the income that you desire. Okay, so play with this, lean into it. What's your unique methodology, you know, if you are a human design reader, know that you're going to get lost in 10s, of 1000s of Human Design readers. And your you know, being the uniqueness is going to be difficult in that world. If you're a tarot card reader know that you are being lost in a sea of hundreds of 1000s of tarot card readers, you're a therapist, you're getting lost in side, all of that, we want to take your unique methodology, and put it on a pedestal and place it out into the world, so that you can speak about it no matter who you're interacting with. So when you're when you're interacting with people, you can have the conversation and go and be able to really pinpoint you know, here's what I could help you with. You know, this is the process that could help you Oh, that's so interesting that you said that, because this is what I get to do for my clients. Now all of a sudden, you've got them thinking, you've got them create their there's a demand being created for your process. Because there's 100,000 therapists out there, but it's your process. There's 100,000 fitness gurus out there, but it's your process that's going to set you above and beyond. Okay, so play with this. Again, if you're listening on the podcast, jump over to the YouTube channel. And you can you can see the visual of this. What else I want to do is say that Mel Abraham was the creator of this particular the word or the depiction that you saw there. And then I added in the human design stuff, because that's really truly my mastery. So I wanted to give credit to him as well. When you're ready. I am here, jump in. Share this with whoever you can get yourself into a process where
Unknown Speaker 18:53
my process is all about purpose driven wealth, if that's where you want to go get yourself into that process. What is it that you desire? Do what is it that you want in your life really understand that? Do you want more time? Do you want better relationships, health, wealth purpose, you get to make that decision. And once you know what kind of freedom you want in your life, then you'll know the coach that you want to interact with. All right, friends, enjoy. And we will chat again.
Unknown Speaker 19:28
Thank you
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