Unknown Speaker 0:00
Welcome back friends, we're having a conversation today around what separates the successful entrepreneur from those who actually don't make it. So stick with me. And we're going to have this conversation today. My name is Leann Wolff. And you are about to experience how overwhelmed entrepreneurs shift into empowered entrepreneurs, by embracing who they are, and who they are not. So they can profit by design, create on purpose, and love their lives. We tear down the industry norms, and build businesses from our intrinsic uniqueness. Welcome to the power of self podcast. So there's an article here that I've pulled up from entrepreneur calm. And what they indicate is in the first, first year, 20% of businesses fail small businesses. By the second year 30% have already failed by the fifth year, half of our they are already gone. And then in the 10th. Year, there is only 30% of the businesses that remain. So my role in this whole thing with human design, and the Big Five Business Institute is to get you to this place of success so that in 10 years from now, you are one of the leading edge businesses on this flat earth plane so that you can go out and absolutely changed the lives of the people that you touch. So here's a quote, I'm going to give you, okay, and then you get to play around with whatever the definition of success is for you. So success is not what you have, but who you are, this was by Beau Bennett. Now, one thing that ra always said was that projectors are advisors, they're here to the other. And after doing countless, countless coaching sessions with projectors, I always, always bring them back to what are your strengths and characteristics in your design, so that you do not get lost in the sea of everybody else. Because the projector has that capacity to do that. So we must know who we are. And of course generators that really is our motto, generators, manifesting generators, the builder type, that's our motto, we want to know who we are. So when we're talking about what separates successful entrepreneurs, the one thing that is going to set entrepreneurs aside from anybody else going forward into 2027, is this self awareness. There's no self awareness, there cannot be an internal shift and aligned action. And business forces you it absolutely forces you to to look at things. And are there successful business people that are running around on aligned, and how I imagined that and I think it was Dr. Malone that said this, if you give a three year old hammer, everything becomes a nail. So there's many business owners running around with this hammer in their hand, for seeing their businesses out there. And actually, what they're doing is there's they're creating destruction and chaos. What self awareness does is it brings you back to the space where you can self reflect, you can adjust and adapt and pivot. And it is necessary for business success. Because if we're not self aware, and we haven't done our own internal work, what happens is that reactionary mind takes over, and then it becomes defensive. So when there's feedback, given, it wants to jump, and tear everything apart. Doesn't like criticism wants to tear everything apart. And when you're in that space, it's really hard to pivot because you get very rigid and fixed in the way you're moving. And now all of a sudden, there can't be any adaptation. So what we want to do is we want to be in that that space of self awareness. Now, this is a part of the business world and I'm going to show you where you're going to see this in the human design chart.
Unknown Speaker 4:55
So just brought up my chart. And because I have it in my chart, So the 20th gate is all about self awareness. So self awareness is the third line, we need, all third lines are present in the material world. They're present. So if you're building a business, and you think that you're not going to go through the third line process of trial and error, it doesn't matter what your profile is, you are going to go through this trial and error is built right into the material plane, period. And self awareness is built right into the material plane. So understanding derived from the analysis of personal actions, and effects. So again, if you have a hammer, and you're just hitting it, hoping that something's going to happen, if you forcefully push yourself on others, that's where we're not self aware. We want to have that self awareness, be in that aligned action. And these are really the pillars of the purpose driven wealth formula, I walk you through awareness, internal shift, and then taking aligned action only. Because one of the myths out there, especially for our manifesting generators, there's a massive myth out there that we should be multitasking, multitasking takes them your productivity by 40%. And multitasking will have you be in that 70% of the failure rate 10 years from now. Can you be multi passionate, yes, but there's going to be a thread that runs through. So when I work with small business, I not only work with entrepreneurs, but there are times where small businesses approached me as well, so that I can assist them with understanding their designs as well. And what happens is when we get into a penta and this is, again, this is why small businesses are failing. When we get into a penta, if we do not understand each other's energy field, I'm going to show you this, there is a trigger aspect, we can be triggering somebody in a detrimental way we can be you know, showing the challenge, or we can be elevating. And these triggers, what happens is, we get really mentally defensive and challenged when we're challenged anybody when a buddy's challenged, there's two things that can happen. We can turtle or we can turn into the lion and get really like on them. But not having this ability to be self aware self reflective, the business is going to fail. Because going into work every single day, creating your small business, your solopreneur business and then outsourcing, you're going to be really effing frustrated. And then you want to give up. How do I know this? Because I've experienced that I've experienced how the conditioned mind says just give up. And then all of a sudden, the next thing comes to me and the next thing comes to me, I know that I'm walking down the correct space. I'm aware enough to know my design, to know what I have to offer to know what my clients get out of me. But if I allow for that conditioned mind, to hold me back, I will be in that 70% failure rate. So if you want to move forward in your business, through a deeper self awareness and you want to take aligned actions only, that's what I'm here for. Okay, so enjoy this. The homework that I would give for you. If you can like share, subscribe, put this out there. The homework I would give for you is this. What is your definition of success? I gave you Bo Bennett's definition. Success is not what you have but who you are. I shared with you what success looks like in the Human Design body graph. And truly success is self
Unknown Speaker 9:46
awareness. So have that definition for yourself. The other day I saw a post someone said generators now FST generators or any other types, they're not supposed to, you know, have success. They're not supposed to feel successful. Most of the body graph is and a projector or advisor energy field. So,
Unknown Speaker 10:15
yes we all have everything in the body mass, we all feel frustration, we all feel bitterness, we all feel disappointment, you know, so the inverse is exactly the same we can all feel success and satisfaction and surprise and awe and peace, you know, we all get angry. So, don't let the myths out there, take you off track. You know, spend time in source material listening to raw, you know, I stay as close to Ra's information as possible. There's some deviations that I that I make. But self awareness is going to have you harness the successful business. So enjoy that. Enjoy your success no matter what type you are. Okay, thanks friends. Talk to you later.
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