Successful Entrepreneurs Have This

Business forces you to face yourself! Do you agree? 70% of all small businesses don't make it past the 10 year mark! 20% will fail in the first year and 50% by year 5. What separates successful entrepreneurs from those who don’t make it? Well many things but most specifically SELF-AWARENESS! Being able to self-reflect, self-correct and refine one’s actions is absolutely necessary when it comes to business success. This is where we are heading into the 2027 shift. Instead of taking things personally and getting defensive (all not-self behavior), allowing feedback and criticism will help you grow and refine your business. Looking back at all the growth that I have had since becoming an entrepreneur, I am thrilled with the person I have become and am becoming. "Success is not what you have but who you are” - Bo Bennett How has your business helped you face your own Sh&*t? Leann p.s. #youaremagic