Unknown Speaker 0:02
Hey friends, today is Monday the 21st. And I'm recording this, I just put on a quick post on YouTube and the other social networks. And what it is in regards to is a quote that I heard Ryan serhant. And if you don't know who he is, he is a young man in his 30s, who is a calm young, in his 30s, who is growing a massive real estate empire in New York City. He hustles 20 hours a day, he has a family, he's building this empire. And from the outside, you know, looking in, he looks like he's having like a huge amount of fun. So one of his quotes was, I'm not trying to take a piece of the pie. I am trying to grow the pie. So don't be worried about your competition doing more deals in you. The more deals they do, the bigger the pie grows. I love this quote. This guy again, every time I hear a really good quote, my juices start to flow. And when we're in business, that's where we want to go. Okay, go to that space where, hey, and I'm guilty for judging. Like people like that going, Oh, well, I don't want to hustle. I don't want to do this. I don't, I don't have to do that. So when he presented this in his video, I just went there it is, there's that expensive thought instead of judging them for where they are, you know, be grateful that they're actually expanding the pie. Because what that means expanding the pie growing the pie, what that really truly means is that they're growing and awareness. They're growing and awareness. And you and I, as entrepreneurs, as leaders in our field. That's why we're here. We're here to grow awareness. So if we were to just split the Human Design body graph, look at the right side of the body graph, where the solar plaques, we have the ego center, we have a portion of the solar plaque or the sacral, the root portion of the throat identity, right? It's almost cut right down the middle head Ashna. So take a look at that right side. What that right side tells us is that that's where we're moving. We're moving into this right, variable quad rate aspect. The left side was filled with logical strategy, you know, momentum, movement movement. The right side is all about creativity, and awareness. And some of you might go but Leann, the 5125 is actually called the channel of competitiveness. There's competitiveness built right into it. It's about initiation. Yes, but at its core, at the very core level of it, actually what it is it is creativeness when we lean into creativeness. And that's exactly what people like Ryan serhant He has quadrupled his business, even in a pandemic. Be because he got creative, he got creative. People like Grant Cardone. Now you go into whoever is big in your space, right and look at the creativeness that they move towards. So Grant Cardone what his his huge goal in life is, is to be one of the largest real estate owners. I don't know if it's worldwide, or if it's just in the US that he is purchasing. Like large apartment blocks and all that kind of stuff. But what he's doing is he's crowdfunding. So he is actually bringing in money from, you know, his Instagram followers, his fake Facebook followers, his network instead of going to a big bank and getting them to fund him so that he can purchase the real estate. He's actually coming to everybody on his platforms, crowdfunding buying it and then paying a dividend.
Unknown Speaker 4:46
That my friends, that's innovative. That is the new way of doing business. That is how we take large organizations that have been operating our planet for the 400 In some odd years, they have, and we're switching the paradigm. You know, I saw something I don't know if this is true or not, I have no idea. But who's the dude that's on Shark Tank. Now his, his Mark Cuban, there we go, he has now done something with pharmaceuticals to try to get the price of pharmaceuticals so that they are lower so that anybody that actually requires it like insulin, or epi pens, that they can actually get that without, you know, having to not eat suffer for a week to pay for their medication. These are the kinds of things that when when, when these people who are open to the hustle and the grind and the Go, go, go, let them do that it's okay, they're expanding the pipe, they're expanding the awareness for us. They're opening avenues I am not interested 20 years ago, yep, I was a go getter. I was that, you know, I was that person that was only sleeping for four hours a day, I was that go getter. That's what the stage of life that I'm in right now, that's, I would like to help the small people, you know, expand their own pilots. So you get to operate your business, how you are designed, what you actually want in life, you are a lifestyle entrepreneur, if you just you want to lean into that lifestyle, then do that. If you are, you know, an entrepreneur who is here to, you know, earn the money and see the bank account and do all that, that's for you. And it's okay. But operate it not in the space where you're being competitive, but in the space where you're being creative, and bringing in the awareness for your people, and for your industry, for your craft. So the more you master, whatever it is that you're bringing to society, when you master it, and you get creative, and you bring it out that awareness piece, my friends, that's where we want to move to. So we want to shift the perspective. So when Ryan says this, he is a thought leader, he just shifted the perspective. Instead of throwing daggers at me, basically, what he was saying is that it's your daggers at me, and having a judgment on how big I got and how fast I made it there. How about you just have gratitude that I'm bringing awareness and expanding the pie, jumping the pie with me. That's what he wants, he wants real estate brokers world wide, to jump in the pie with him, get into their creative juices, do something different that nobody else has done. And really, he challenges people. Again, it's, you know, that energy of that, that 5125 It's, it's not in his chart that that I can tell. But it's an energy we all hold. So that creative energy that we all hold, then we can lean into the competitiveness when it's correct, right? For running, before running a race, we're running, running the whatever it is, however many meters I don't, I don't know this. But if we're running the race, and we want to get to the finish line before somebody else, then we kick in that competitive if we want to grow awareness, and that's really where we're moving to awareness is all about creativity and moving into that creative aspect of ourselves. So awareness equals creativity. So what about competitive salary about poking at someone else and making a judgment about them, because what that's doing is actually it's inside of you. None of this is inside of you. Okay, so if you don't know who Ryan serhant is, I would encourage you just Kim, he might not be for you. i What I appreciate about him is he's doing his business through joy. His wife is on board. He's got a beautiful little daughter. He was a part of the and probably still is Million Dollar Listing New York,
Unknown Speaker 9:26
but just look at these people through a different lens. Because I get to now look at them through a different lens. So I would love for you to also do that. Look at the leaders in your space through a different lens. They're not taking from you. They're expanding the pie, get in the frickin pie with them. Get creative. And this, my friends is what I help people do in the purpose driven wealth formula. This is the whole to the end of the last two months. It's all about aligned action. How can Get creative. How can you change the perspective and help your clients change their perspective? So that this big part of awareness is so massive that it encompasses every human being on the planet. Alright, have fun this week. I did I think I left some some homework in the post in YouTube, on my Facebook, just my personal Facebook page. And on my LinkedIn page, there's a little bit of play work to do there. So have fun with this. And and I would love for you to share in the comments like what kind of perspective does this bring? I'm gonna read I'll read it to you again. Okay, I'll read this to you get. So this is Ryan serhant. I'm not trying to take a piece of the pie. I am trying to grow the pie. Don't be worried about your competition doing more deals in you. The more deals they do, the bigger the pie groups. Share in the comments what you think about them. Alright, fun friends.
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