Today's conversation friends is going to be around the switch from the Cross of planning to the cross of the sleeping Phoenix.
I have done, actually quite a few videos and I came across another piece of information that I'd forgotten about because there's so much out there.
So I just want to share this with you so that you can begin to use discernment and awareness as your very first process,
in your business, in your life in your relationships. And that is what I help people with in the very first pillar of my program is the awareness aspect.
And I'm not saying that you have to see life through my lens at all. I just want to bring this information so that you can see it through different lines
so that the nervous system doesn't need to be on heightened awareness continuously.
And if you are listening through the podcast,I am going to be sharing some images today. I'm actually going to be speaking to the body graphs of these two crosses.
And if you need to go to the YouTube channel, it'll be in the description so that you can see the visualization. I will do my best to portray the languaging
in a way that you can just sit back in your podcast and understand it and get a sense of what's going on. I'm also going to take off my video so that you
can see the screen at a deeper level. We can have a conversation.
So the cost planning did its job.
And what I mean by that is the 4037 there has been energy behind the crosses that was are sort of behind the costs of funding was large business, governments,
large organizations and at the heart and soul of what this is, this is about delivering, delivering resources. This is all about denying or delivering resources.
That's what the 40 at its heart and soul actually does. So that tribe is reliant upon who's going to dish it out who is going to deliver it, who's going to deny it.
And that has been a massive background frequency for us for 412 years. And as we move closer to 2027, this energy field is broken down and we can feel it.
They are, and I say they because there are there are families, that's the 37 there are families that have been a part of this background frequency for the last
400 years because that's what it was designed for. And that's okay. We just need to see it as an acceptance factor because once we see it as an acceptance factor,
and we don't judge it for what it was doing or what it is doing. Then all of a sudden what happens is we can let go of the judgment,
we can move into a space of awareness. So the cross of planning which also has the crossing Maya it is 412 year cycle. What it was indicating to us is this
is the nature of the energy field was what we call that it's the 9th gate, right now we're in the 9.1 so everything right at this moment when the first line of
all of these gates and when we talk about the first line is all about information. It's all about study. It's all about gathering information
so that there's a solid foundation and the first line always wants a solid foundation so that it can then move up in the hexagram and get itself out into the world.
The larger energy field that's in the background. Raul called that the global administrator directory, and I'm a flat earther. So I don't believe that there is a globe.
I don't believe that we are on this finite energy field of what we would think it is earth I think we're on the flat earth. And I think that there is many, many,
many spaces for us to move as humanity. Anyways, that's my belief you don't have to bleep up. So the first line energy field is global orchestrated directory.
It is shifting to the sixth slot. And in this in this larger energy field, we always go from the six down to the one so it always moves backwards
compared to everything else.
So in in the cross of planning right at the moment, we have this focus of sensibility. We had the example of manifestation of the 32.1.
We have the temple, a 40.1 Deliverance in this recuperation. We have the leader 62.1 details 13 The pattern is 16.1 enthusiasm, illusion
now I'm just calling these out for the podcast speaker the plan 42.1 growth and diversification. The the way is that 37.1 On the Father, and the witnesses 61 inner truth
are called bones. Now when I look at this when I take all of this together, manifestation has been a part of their reality.
They've been planning and manifesting the tribe, the human tribe, our reality they've been manifesting it. And what's interesting is that what they did for us
this temple, this recuperation, the temple really body and this recuperation aspect. So in the last couple years, what the the kind of they're helping us move
into the sleeping units even though they don't want to let go of their process of planning is that they allow us to actually, you know, go into recuperation.
Some of us chose that path. We chose to recuperate. We chose to take the last two years and learn more about ourselves to go deeper to find the information
that we need. Others chose to stay in a heightened, afraid worried aspect. Now, please know that I'm compassionate about the entirety of what is happening.
I am not saying that the destruction of humanity is a good thing. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that it is happening. Evil is present. The darkness is present.
And we get to choose how we interact with it. So for me, I took this last two years to stay in that recuperation. To not go out and be afraid or scared or worried.
I chose to help the energy field and the secret payments get heralded in so the crossing the Phoenix routine so it kept you in a routine for a very long time.
This has been happening for signs happening since the 50s. And that routine truly has been, you know, get up, go to work. And then they disrupt it.
And then it's like hold on a minute. You just took away my whole routine now what do I do? Now? What do I do? How do I cope through this?
That's really the process city or across? The planning is asked to you know, it's kind of been poking at you in different ways.
So that that reliance on how your realities being manifested, that reliance on who's delivering the goods or who's denying me the goods,
that reliance on that routine was disrupted. And, again, good, bad, right, wrong doesn't matter. It happened. And the ninth gate this focuses sensibility.
What they did is they tried to convince you that science was what we needed to move towards. That's you know, that's the nature of, of where we work as a humanity
was we relied last for 12 years on a science that now let's take a look at the pattern is actually delusional. And why is it delusional because the 16 is also
a part of the scientific walkway and the 16 sits in delusion, first line. So it's a delusional sensibility. It's a delusional manifestation.
It's a delusional recuperation. It's a delusional routine. And then the plan was this growth, diversification now for me,
I look at words way differently now that I understand raus transmissions at a deeper cellular level. And so many things can have judgments.
And I believe that spell spelling the English language when we spell vote. I believe that there is a hypnosis that they put us under and it is stemmed from the wording,
the languaging and diversification they have butchered this.
This word, they've created that vision based off of their idea of seeing diversification. And for me there we need diversification we need to be billion different
people moving through their own spiritual aspect, moving to their own human experience. But what we've been presented as diversification has been delusional.
The way the mother father is friendship, this is really interesting. Again, the 37. So the 37 is family. And there's a group of families on this earth
and you might call me a conspiracy theorist and call me whatever and it's okay. You don't have to be here. If you don't have the same thought pattern and
I'm okay with that. There's a group of families that utilized this process of planning for their own benefit. And it is what it is it was designed for that
it's just the awareness of it. That makes it go Oh, okay. It happened. It's happening. And we're moving into a whole new energy field so we can accept it and move on.
Again. I am not condoning the darkness and the evilness that has come out of this last part in 12 years. I'm not condoning that. I'm just saying that there.
It's present. And we get to choose how we interact. And the witness has been this inner truth, the so called knowledge and I, for me, that is in the saving grace
is this energy field has been there. The witness is the occult knowledge and raw really talked a lot of us a witness, how are we witnessing our reality?
And for 412 years, it has been through a lens of quote unquote, occult knowledge so we can look at this through the dysfunction of how they twisted the
occult knowledge to their benefit. Or we can also look at it as Okay, there was a veil. We couldn't see it, we didn't understand it. So we followed along until
all of a sudden we became this this aspect that could see the knowledge and utilize it for ourselves and manifest our own reality instead of living in their reality.
Okay. So if we look at the cross of the Phoenix, this is a totally different aspect. This is so far away from the process of landing. It's so fun to watch this
shift happening.
Now, if you're here. I think this is just my perspective. And that's why you're here because this is all I share with you is my perspective.
I think that anybody that's on this cusp of energy right now has been here before many passwords in costs of energy and we played all roles we played in the darkness
we played in the light we played in the on the sidelines we played in the game and been the game creator. We've done it all. And I think that we are here in our
particular meat suits at this moment playing the role that's perfect for us. So my role is to be the contagion for human design and the purity of the information.
So the cross of this sleeping phoenix and this cross penetration that we're moving into. It's really it now we're going into the sixth line.
What is the sixth sixth line is the role model. The Six Line is sitting on the shoreline looking at life. It's in awe of what's taking place out there.
It is not worried about a solid foundation. It is more worried about just be it's and I don't really want to use the entirety of the role model and leadership
in this sixth line is can you be it? Can you represent it? It's not about putting you know gurus on the mountaintop. It's about sitting on the shoreline and
just taking a breath beating it to the sleeping Phoenix and penetration. What it is asking us to do is lean into the new pattern of wisdom.
And we learn that through self awareness.
So I'm going to draw a little bit on on the YouTube video. Now, this wisdom aspect, this is what's important. Why? Because what we've done performing for years
and we before that, is that we gave away our personal power. We give it away to the outside of us and CBP next and saying okay, now we're going to bring it back
in the 34 is connected to the 20 and it's also connected to the 57. This is integration. This is us re integrating our own personal power into the pattern and this
is going to be the nature that happens on our planet. It's not science based. It's Empower base based, his individuality based his uniqueness based and for probably
six lines and they go both for years. So we're looking at about a 50 year span. This is really what's happening is this leadership has to come from the taking back
your personal power. And what I love is that personal power can only be taken away if there's a reaction from the conditioned mind. So you know, I'll give you an
example. In a lot of my writings, you know a lot of my PDFs, I have typos have errors and I have clients that will lash out and send me absolutely crazy, crazy
comments or crazy emails or direct message me and just like Brittany for having typos, having errors in my in my PDFs. And I could choose to turtle under that.
But I interact with that in a new way. Because I recognize that it's their reactionary mind. It just gave me their power. I don't want their power and I definitely
don't want to give my power to them. So I choose to just see it for what it is and I move past it. I accept that they're upset. And if a typo in my my transmission
can create such a reaction. Then you know that I don't live in that I do not live in that world at all. Okay, now I'm not perfect. Don't get me wrong.
I also I have my judgments at times I definitely do. But it's really to recognize the wisdom and the pattern that we're moving into self awareness. What's happening.
The nature is is going through the 34 common sense. And the common sense comes from the cheese no cheese most nearly anybody else to to affect your personal power.
The example is going to be how you utilize your intuition how you utilize your integration of self. And it's about that acuteness it's learning from achievements
when when the intuition speaks. And again, the intuition is very, very subtle. It's very calm, it's very quiet. Do you have the capacity to to lean into the wisdom
of it, and the common sense that's showing up and utilize the intuition in a whole new way? Not that nasty. Condition one. Okay. The temple is all about the one
nightstand and this for me is I think it's, again, my judgment of it opinion of it is it can be harsh, where people see this one night stand.
Oh, but this is the interactive being open to interacting with different aspects and gathering the wisdom of utilizing the common sense, you know,
so that you can can create, procreate and create on this world in a different way. It's that openness to interact
and create unions, and a union might only be for a very brief moment of time. But it also might be for a long time, and it all starts with a one night stand.
And that first interaction. So the leader, the leader of this is 53. This is about phasing and it's it's seated in practicality. So being practical, as we move into
this new energy field and phasing phasing out the old phasing in the new instead of being really partial to phasing it in, okay? And phasing in this new way of life
because it is a new way of life. We have been, you know, we've been learning with the process of the planning had had in store for us and it's now breaking down
and we need to phase out the old and bring in the view. And that's what that's what a role model does. It tries it tests it. Six lines come from the birth of the
third one. It comes from a trial and error aspect. It has to try it experiment with it. The 51 This is probably my most favorite aspect, besides the 20 is the
separation. And what we're learning here is in the heart where the ego center is we're separating from the tribe. We're separating from this reliance on the tribe.
To a reliance himself and we need to adapt to that. And the separation aspect of this can feel very shocking. It can might be bothersome for you, but that's where
we're moving. So can you see it, be aware of it and plant seeds for anybody else that needs to have their awareness or their awakening aspect. It doesn't have to be
harsh 51 ish shock. I think that there's going to be a massive shock to humanity when they actually recognize truly what has been happening. But it is what it is
happened it was designed for them. The way is the 55 and this is a beautiful aspect of 55 the heart and soul of the sixth line is innocence. But the six points
actually selfishness so we need to lean into any you've heard me say this in the 27. The 27 also had its it had its foundation in selfishness. Now with 55.6
to say this is actually how we need to be as role models. So that our abundance factor so that our so that our spirit can be reconnected and it's through selfishness.
It is about being selfish with who you are, who you give your power away to how you use your intuition, how you lean into the wisdom, how you use separation, as a
way to really reconnect with your own self and world spirit. And then the witness this is why I shifted my perspective. into business and witness this 54 This is
the beginning aspects of capitalism and 54.3 is covered in traction 54.6 is selectivity. We need to be selective in our businesses only work with those that are on
your fructosamine you do not need to get noisy. There is no pressure to get get get an have have have more. It's not what this is about. What this is,
this is building selective and this is all about creating cool covert tractions and you can take that as a negative word if you want to or negative way but will
really be connecting with those people that are like minded that are that are stepped into their own individuality that are out there. And there's this deeper level
of waiting for for the acceptance being embracing the acceptance. Now, here's also what I want to share. I also follow Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza.
And Gregg Braden. I'm going to share a video he's been working with the Heart Math Institute and so has Dr. Dispenza. For years. The Heart Math Institute,
which is the Heart Math Institute has indicated that the neurons of the heart actually are more powerful than the neurons in the brain. And if the cross can
destroy the actual hurts part, your hurt muscle. If it can destroy it, then you'll be trapped in their cross implanting for long and you won't take the path
into individuality. So, one of the large organizations pharmaceutical organizations has released a document that indicates all the adverse effects of the injection
that they're doing and Malady. And that that's a huge part of the adverse effects is it attacks the muscles apart. So now I am not saying again, this is if you have
the injectable in you, that's okay. If you don't have to.
There's no judgment or whether or not it was taken. It's none of like this. What I do want to say is is that again, they've been planning this so you get to see
it through that. It was what it was we get to accept it. Again, I do not need to condone I just need to be aware that it is present.
And I get to choose so do you how you interact with that field? We can know that the process of planning is coming to an end. We know that all of that destruction
and whatever is taking place on this earth plane is their stance it's their last ticket the camp because the energy is moving. It is.
So can you lean deeper into an awareness hospital? Keep your personal power can you lean into the wisdom that flows through and stay truthful to not the condition
light to that pure, pure essence. But beauty that flows through that, you know strikes that flows through and you get to make the decision and you get to either
accept or reject this entire video or podcasts. You get to do what you need to do but I would love to invite you if you respond to this interaction and you know
Drop in your comments as well. I Gregg Braden has done a beautiful video I'm going to attach here to has a lovely meditation at the end to reconnect with those
neural pathways from the heart to the to the mind so that we can do this heart, Heart Math, create cohesion, and not live in the chaos and the destruction.
Alright friends, I hope you have a great day. Talk to you again.
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