Human Design: Relationships and the Transits

human design human design transits not-self relationships self mastery self-mastery movement Jul 18, 2020

8 Min Read + 18 Min Video

Relationships are a hot topic right now. Let’s look at the transits for some answers.


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I am always so grateful that I get to share with you my interpretation of human design, and that you here.


I get to coach people globally to be able to drop into the frequency that is within their 'meat suit' so that they can interact on this planet with a whole new level of awareness, letting go of those old patterns and stepping into the pleasure of being human. During our lives, we all get to make money, have relationships, careers, and have a beautiful experience here on earth.


I have been getting a large number of emails and having plenty of conversations with clients and friends about relationships recently. We have nothing in the program right now in this third quarter of duality and bonding. This means the whole transiting program is saying we need to understand ourselves and our consciousness. We also need to understand the health and wellness of the form of civilization - are we being healthy inside of this meat suit? How are we building this planet?


We're also learning a lot about transformation and truth. In the 61st gate, there has been so much activity and this will continue. It is also a part of the global orchestrated directory right now and it is asking us to let go of all of the collective stuff and just be in your inner truth. A lot is going on on the planet and most of it is hearsay. What are you perceiving in your reality? That's your truth, however, you want to look at it so what is your perception? The 61st gate is here saying the time now. What is it today that you need to drop into so that you can hear your inner truth?


Importance of Relationships

So, why are relationships so important right now? There's nothing in this third quarter of bonding and duality, however, what the nodal positions are doing in the 10 and the 15 is in the identity center and the four gates of love. The identity center of the 25, the 46, the 15, and the 10 are all about love.  We are here to be loving through the other so if you have any of those in your particular chart that's how your loving shows up.


The whole program is asking us to be loving at a time there are absolutely no activations in this third quarter. When there's nothing there, it's an excellent opportunity for us to really pull the wisdom out of it and then witness ourselves in interactions with other people. This means that if you're bonding in a relationship or perhaps you are searching for a meaningful relationship currently, now is the time to get to know yourself before you drop into the relationships. This means that once you do, and when you're vibrating at a very high level you'll be able to interact in a whole new way and can even attract someone who is a better match.


Despite the fact we're here to learn about ourselves through the wisdom of our interactions, duality, and bonding, but (and listen to your inner authority in this), perhaps wait until you are solidly standing in your design, with your inner truth, and in your frequency, before you drop into another relationship. When I decode this I see that relationships and duality are going to be the next level of bonding. If you can stand in the loving that is happening through us then the relationships can be at a whole new level. They don't need to be in that muck and that mire of not-self, the unhealthiness of a relationship. It can be a place of a huge amount of wisdom.


Something I heard recently really hit home for me. The most sacred of all geometries is when we can stand in our truth and just allow for the witnessing of our physical body. Then everything starts to unveil, unravel, and show itself to us.


The relationship piece of this I am building out in my 'self-mastery movement' right now is where there will be copious amounts of information. Human design is not simple. While there is a simple tool of strategy and authority, there's a complexity here and it is sacred. I cannot tell you how it's going to work for you. I can however show you the mechanics. For example, I have this little map right of how I'm going to build out the program and I was led to educate myself on all Ra had to say about sexuality and how we care. It then occurred to me I'm doing this because there's nothing in the quarter of bonding and duality. This means I can draw out the wisdom from it so I can see it in my own life and then I can coach others with my findings. This enables them to see it in their lives.


Cross of Planning

What is interesting here is the 62nd gate is sitting in the Sun. For the last 400 plus years, our language has been based on the bloodline leadership of the 'Cross of Planning'. Now we change the frequency. That's why I talk about a high vibe. Instead of being in the victimhood of the not-self, we can flip that switch and we can begin to language our lives through the mechanics of human design. Switching to that frequency allows you to have high vibratory relationships, duality, bonding. If right now you're having a hard time in your relationship or you're searching for a relationship, I would just really encourage you to do the inner work before you make any harsh mental judgments or movements about a relationship. Know who you are first. Can you feel the loving? Can you be aware? I could give you lots of mechanics, but I am generalizing which is something we are all doing.


This is why I'm creating the 'Self-Mastery Movement', so it's all consolidated and you can see the mechanical piece of it. Then we walk through week by week via coaching sessions to enable you to drop into it and see it at a new level.


Even after eight years, I am still, every single day, reaching new levels of understanding. I'm cleaning out the cells so that this new information can drop in. It is very important, my relationship, to my form, my body, my consciousness, my transformation. The whole purpose of this program is to be in awareness. Follow your strategy and authority but don't make that a focus because it's not there right now... it's not there so we can gain a lot of information from there. The beauty of these relationships will just pop into your life.


This has been a beautiful process for me and I hope that it's a beautiful process for you.


Want to be fully centered in your human design so you can:

  1. Have autonomy through decision making
  2. Attract resources (money, information and people) by trusting your purpose
  3. Witness the Global Consciousness Instructions and take advantage of the shifts
  4. Experience the Relationships in your life at a new level of awareness
  5. Get out of your own way and move into a place of Self Mastery!!

Are you tired of the what it costs you to stay in the status quo? The process to self mastery is not a quick fix, so if you are looking for that, do not even click the link!


Self- Mastery is a lifelong process of self-actualization and I want you in this program if you are ready to let go of the same old patterns that are destructive and costing you by breaking down your body and your mind!



As I have said before, my filters are adaptation, corruption, incompetence, composure, and justice. I deliver the message with an in the now contribution of what is happening on the transition point of the horizon. Self Mastery is within you and never outside of you.


Follow your own strategy and authority! The mechanics are what they are. I am interpreting them as I am designed to do.


Disclaimer: Leann Wolff is not a doctor and is in no way providing medical advice or suggestions of any kind whatsoever. Please contact your health care provider regarding adding any supplements or changes to your diet, exercises or life choices.


We're living a new reality--a new and evolving normal that has been triggered by the world-wide pandemic of 2020. I am providing a simplified, mechanical look at this information through the tool that is known as Human Design. Once the mechanics of the information are seen, the processing of the information can be from awareness vs. Fear.


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