How Mud helped this busy mom re-align with her Core Values

aligned actions blocks are our teachers core values human design remember who i am what are human design gates what is human design chart what is response in human design what is the emotional center in human design what is the the best human design Mar 02, 2022

“I am so stuck, I just don’t think I can go on….I think I am going to quit my business and look for a job.”


I heard this from a client the other day and my heart connected with her so deeply….I knew exactly what she was speaking about….


That feeling like every step is a battle….like there is 100 lbs of mud stuck on your ankles and you are so tired…


The more you do, the more mud accumulates and you just can’t seem to shake it! 


I know this story well because I went through this same scenario in my business. My coach asked me these questions….


Where had the joy and fun left my business? 


When did I begin to believe that I had to work harder in my business?


She challenged me to re-evaluate my priorities and my values. What did owning my own business actually mean for me? 


What was the one thing I wanted the most by being an entrepreneur? 


I also challenged my client with the same questions and a whole new realization opened up for her….She was spending so much time networking with strangers, ‘drumming’ up business and her kids were at home with a nanny 3 of the 5 nights a week…


She had convinced herself that she was ‘doing’ the networking for her family. She was building a legacy….


But the whole reason she started her business was so that she could be with her kids more….


WHOA! It all just pivoted in a second….Chasing clients, money and hustling was actually taking her further and further away from her core value….her family. 


The deeper we got into the first pillar of the process of re-connecting with her true design, she realized that she was using outdated tactics to magnetize and attract her ideal client….All the hustling was actually working against her strengths and the clients she was attracting were not getting the results she had hoped for….


However, the more aligned she getting in her business now,  using her core values and paying very close attention to what is bringing her joy …her clients are finding her….she is no longer chasing, hustling and networking 3 nights a week…she goes to events with a new attitude, and a new intention….

Those nights out are no longer a chore or a ‘have to’, they are now sacred to her….and her kids are so excited to have her home more and they also love it when she gives them a special night with a babysitter… 


Her business has shifted because she stopped abandoning her values and joy…


Did you know that the feeling of being weighed down with mud could have such a profound learning lesson in it??


I chose the images in the meme because the mud can be a challenge or it can be a haven for rest….


You get to decide….


May your mud help you get more aligned!!




P.S. Here is the exact tool I used to help my client

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