Evaluator Assessment (Reflector Judgement)
Dec 18, 2019
3 Min Read
Evaluators are like the elusive Unicorn! They are less than 1% of the population and yet they are critical to our evolution! You will be able to recognize them immediately as the Human Design Chart has no functions or centers that are colored in; there are only activated gates/traits and no channels/strengths.
Evaluators are here to sample the situations of planet earth and let us know if we are on track with the evolution or if we are off track with the evolution.
The 'program', as the creator of Human Design would call it, is the movement through space and time. There is design to all of creation and our part we play in this movie of evolution is to become self-reflected consciousness in a human experience.
Does that sound like a mouth full? In a sense it is a mouth full, yet, if we get the distractions of our minds out of the way our designs can then work through us.
Our evaluators are perfectly equipped to watch humanity, through an objective view, so they can report how we are doing.
Evaluators are huge antenna's of the entire awakening process (if they can get out or their minds)!
Moving in and out of groups, relationships and co-creation is the healthiest way for these people to interact with us.
If you are an evaluator, every decision for you is a process that must be run through the cycle of the moon. So giving your self at least 28.5-29.5 days to decide once you have been initiated or asked to be involved in a situation.
And yes, you have to be initiated! It is imperative that something or someone outside of yourself, initiate you into the next decision. And then, your process is to discuss the decision with trusted people in your life.
It is so important that you surround yourself with the correct people!
I have the privilege of having an evaluator for a nephew and that young man has always placed himself with intelligent and highly flexible people...and he is reflecting that.
I have also had the privilege of having some very profound evaluators in the classes I have taken and the wisdom that exudes from them as they converse with us in class has shaken me to the bone at times. There is a reverberation in the tone and enunciation as they have dropped wisdom into my knowing!
So, if you are an evaluator, you may ask, "How can I make money with a chart that is totally open?"
Firstly, honor that you designed to be closely intuned with the transitting moon. And decision making is a multi-day, multi-month or multi-year process for you. No decisions are to be spontaneous. Disappointment can fill decisions that are made too quickly! In order for the awe of life the permeate the experiences, time must pass.
Secondly, honor the profound wisdom you are gaining at each turn of the wheel! There is no other type on the planet that is able to sample the way you do!
Thirdly, your overarching role in this world is to assess, evaluate, sample, and report! And these things take time. In every industry, there is an assessment consultant to report the finding of correct or incorrect procedures. There are hundreds of YouTube channels right not that assess products and give a review. There is a consultant for every industry and there are consultants for consultants! All of these smaller roles are designed for you, the evaluator!
Lastly, Never let the world tell you who you are! You are just a reflective mirror for us! Do not get lost in the chaos of it all. Step out and assess! It is like the fish in the water...the fish did not know he was in the water until he was pulled out of the water...So, step out of the situation so you can give an objective view!
AND last but not least... there is nothing serious going on here so have FUN and Experiment!
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