Benefits of Working with a Human Design Business Coach

benefits of working with a human design business coach how to build an online business human design aura human design business chart human design coaching human design course human design for success life purpose coach Jan 28, 2022

Where do I even begin to create a business that I can be on purpose, express my passion and earn an income that I can have the freedom I want?

This question is one that all of my clients begin our process together! They have tried a few things, and maybe even had a high ticket coach and they are still not getting the traction they want to for their business. 

Why choice a #humandesignbusinesscoach? Well, your Human Design Chart (see mine above) is the mechanics of who you are ,how you are designed to interact with others in your environment and the best way for you to profit from those experiences. 

Now you might look at this Human Design Chart and think....whoa, this is really overwhelming. The Science of Differentiation is just that, a science, however, anyone can live the design once they are practicing the core tool of the system. That core tool is decision making. Using the Inner Authority and the Strategy (Decision Making Strategy) to navigate decisions in their lives. This aligns the physical body with the right people, the right places and the best experiences so you can gather information.

In conventional businesses, the first step is to narrow down your ideal client. Immediately what this does is takes the focus to an outside of self focus. But in Human Design Coaching, the first step is to know oneself deeply so that when you are building your business, you don't become burnt out or pressured to work harder to attract your clients. This approach is how you can create a magnetizing business. 


Once you know who you are, then we take a look at the experiences you have had, the skills you have acquired over the course of your life so that we can use the profit potential of the Human Design Chart ( the open centers) to create or recreate an offer that will speak to your clientele. 


The next phase is to then use the chart to market to your fractal line, ideal client or niche market. 

Your fractal line is found in the nodes of the moon. This is our trajectory or street that we are moving on in life. (image below)

Picture a street in a large city like Paris, France. The Street starts out being called one name (south node) and then switches to another name (north node switch at the Uranus Opposition)  but you are still on the same street, it is just the energy or frequency shift that is happening. It is supporting you in a different way! 

When we use the mechanics and the energy that is built into your cells to construct your business, you will notice that the people on your fractal will engage with you in new ways! You no longer are chasing on 'other streets', you are int he flow with them down the same street and your experiences will help them to avoid the same pitfalls you had in your journey. 

Building a business from the inside out is the number one success code for a sustained business. 

Can you feel the difference? And now are you ready to make the shift for your business? Get on a call with me and lets' get you to a place of business success now so you can live the life of your dreams!

Want to Learn ALL aspects of Human Design but don't want to pay the price at the IHDS or BG5 Business Institute? 
Grab my all encompassing Training for a fraction of the price and 1/10th of the time? 

Grab the offer today and jump in to the most comprehensive training on the market.  

Yes, Let's Do It

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