$500.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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You Must tick this Box to Receive the 1 Year Free Inclusion into the  Mentorship


The Skill of Human Design will be fundamental to all coaches, consultants, authors, speakers and entrepreneurs in the next 10-20 years. Awakening, Relationships, Wellness, Family Dynamics, Business and Sovereignty are all available within the Human Design System. Have more confidence in your chart analysis by being in a community that plays in the material and honors the process.

Human Design Self Study w/ 12 months of Community Mentorship

Community is the Key to the Learning Process

-Gain confidence and Clarity in analyzing charts as well as a space to share your wisdom

- Have a community where you can ask questions and be provided support. 

- Join the calls ( 6x/mth) and learn the depths of the Human Design System. 

*After 365 days, a monthly fee of $147.00 

*Terms and Conditions Apply